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School Uniform Information


Pre-loved uniform is available to purchase from the school reception. £1 per item.

1. Uniform

White Polo Shirt (with school logo – optional)

Black/Grey Trousers, Skirt or Shorts

Blue & White Gingham Dress

Royal Blue Jumper or Cardigan (with school logo – optional)

Black, sensible footwear. Footwear must be closed toe – no sandals are allowed.


2. PE and Games Kit

Plain White T-shirt or Polo Shirt

Plain Black Shorts/Black Tracksuit

Sensible Trainers


3. Swimming

Boys must wear swimming trunks/Lycra swim shorts (no baggy Bermuda type shorts).

Girls must wear single piece costumes.

Children with longer hair should be encouraged to wear swimming hats or tie their hair back.

Earrings are not allowed to be worn. The Swimming Baths have very strict rules about this.


4. Jewellery

Children may wear a watch and children with pierced ears may wear one pair of studs.

All jewellery must be removed for PE and swimming.


5. Hair

Hair styles should be neat and tidy. Hair should be one natural colour.

Girls with long hair should have it tied back at school.


All uniform requirements can be obtained from local suppliers.


Just School Wear Ltd - 0115 965 2869

