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Remote Learning

Remote Learning


We would like to clarify a few issues with regard to Remote Learning and accessing this on ClassDojo.


Government guidance states that schools must provide access to Remote Learning to ALL children (who are not in school) in order for them to ‘Keep Up’ with learning. There will be NO catch up lessons when we return to school, it is important that your child accesses Remote Learning every day to avoid them falling behind. We will still be tracking and monitoring pupil progress as normal.


To access Remote Learning, go on ClassDojo to your child’s year group. We have removed all classes so that only year groups are visible. All Remote Learning is posted daily on the Class Story. You do not need to print anything off – all that is required is paper/jotter and pen/pencil that you can request from the office.


To submit your child’s completed work, you can either take a photo and submit via your child’s portfolio on their year group or, in some instances, you can edit straight on to the computer or even type your answers.


We would strongly advise against collecting paper packs as these will need to be collected every week and returned for marking and feedback or photographed and uploaded to ClassDojo.


We hope this will make things simpler for you and appreciate your continued support.

If you need any support please do not hesitate to contact us. Remember you are doing a great job!


Mrs Clark

Head Teacher

Remote Learning Charter

On-Line Safety


At Killisick, we are proud to say that we have now received the National Online Safety (NOS) Award for 2 years running.


To achieve this, all staff received training on keeping children safe online. 


NOS have now created an app with the aim of empowering parents and carers to understand and address the current online safeguarding risks and keep parents up to speed with new games, apps platforms and any risks they present. It has a range of quick posters about apps/games, information videos and courses for parents. It is free and hopefully will help us to work together to keep our children safe online.
